Tuesday 10 March 2009

The Maze

I want a maze.

About a week ago, Colombina and I were in a maze. The literal, physical kind, tall hedges and everything. As you might expect, this setting was perfect for a little teasing. Here some biting, there a stolen kiss or two.

There was always the risk that someone would walk around the corner, of course. But that made it all the more fun. It was risky, but not too risky.

Then I started thinking about what we could do if we had a maze all to ourselves. That would be fun.

Colombina would be stripped completely, and have her arms tied securely behind her back. Then she would be sent into the maze.

With a 30 second head start.

After that time, I would start in after her. Black jeans. Heavy boots. Menacing footsteps, but coming from where, exactly..?

And I would try to catch my dear Colombina.

If I caught her, she would be my slave for the rest of the day. My little fucktoy, to be used as I see fit.

Imagine it, my dear:

You running, able to hear me, but not sure where I am... Glancing fearfully over your shoulder, hoping you can get away... When suddenly you are grabbed, and pushed against the hedge, one hand over your mouth and the other creeping all over you...

Of course, nothing we do is ever that one-sided.

If my beautiful Colombina manages to get out of the other side of the maze, then the tables will be spectacularly turned, and *I* will be *her* fucktoy, made to worship her dirty feet, or possibly crawl behind her all the way back through the maze...

I want a maze.

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